The Blah Blah Blah

Our focus is you, and this content is here in case you want to learn more about us.


Trudy in a TV studio


Have you ever had a dream that seemed just that - a dream? The "Never in my life could I.." kinda dream?
Well, I did - and being on TV was mine.

I never saw myself as an actress or entertainer. I grew up a Missionary Kid. I grew up seeing the pulpit as a TRANSFORMATIVE place of influence - but I also grew up in an environment where women were not a voice from the pulpit except to sing or read the announcements.

So why did God give me this dream? This BIG dream-like dream that was only the kind you think about fancifully but never expect to have a reality?

Did you, by any chance - go to college to escape your parents? I did. Even so, I have learned some very important lessons about identity along the way. Let me share my identity journey with you.

WHO IS TRUDY BEERMAN? It felt like no one knew who I was for a long time. Why? I was known as Gerry Gallimore's kid. I remember a kid in my class expecting me to hand over my pencil because I was Gerry Gallimore's kid, and it was unchristian-like not to hand over my pencil (the only one I had) because he wanted it. To add insult to injury, his family knew mine, and he promised to tell on me for this slight.

My mother had the overhanging expectation that I would grow up to become a Pastor's wife, and she forced me into piano lessons to be the perfect Pastor's companion one day.

I got fair grades and was told by the teachers they expected more and better from Gerry Galimore's kid. When I became a young adult, I assumed the world would now embrace me for me and that maybe being Gerry Gallimore's kid would be my ticket to a bright future. NAH! Most people were only interested in how my parents were and any insider notes they could get about them from me. When I asked my dad for referrals to all the uppity-ups he knew, he refused, claiming he did not want to appear to be taking advantage of his friends or seeming self-serving.

So, I was a nameless person. No one knew this immigrant from Jamaica when I went to college in the USA. I went from being known as Gerry's kid to being completely unknown. I eventually became the girlfriend of a hardcore Muslim. This messed with my identity as a Christ follower as I started to believe there was more than one road to the Father (there is not, by the way).

I married a man and was happy to have my name changed so I could finally (I thought) be known for who I was. NAH! I married a Marley. What interested people the most in trying to know me was how I connected to the great Bob Marley (yes, my Ex was his first cousin). Then I became known as John's wife, and when that marriage fell apart - so did the "friendships" I made as his wife (note these are air quotes), except for my friendship with Ann-Marie Thackeray.

Today, I am happily married to a man who sees me. However, when I started my business, I was again in that place where no one knew me, saw me, or cared to try. I saw how TV helped make my father well-known among Jamaicans. I went to TV to get seen. Get heard. Get known - AS TRUDY BEERMAN. OMG - that worked!

There was no YouTube back when I started that, and then YouTube came along. I threw some videos up on YouTube without any care for optimizing there. I discounted YouTube and social media because it was free, and we all take it for granted when things are free. Be honest; you know you do not value free either. However, free allowed many people access where none was otherwise available, and if you offered value, you could build influence on free social media. So, it took me a while, and I repented.

TV might be my primary platform, but not the only one. I shifted from seeing myself in the TV business to being in the influential reach business with TV as the primary platform.

It took me a while, but today, I understand that I have my own identity, which God gave me. I may be Trudy Beerman to some of you, but that follows my real identity as a child of God. If that is all you know about me, you will know me.

***We need to stop hiding! We are not to be hidden. You are not seen because you are hiding.***

From the first pages of the Bible, God was walking in the garden, connecting with his creation, and we hid from God. Today, people applaud transparency and vulnerability. Truthfully, transparency and vulnerability are not the qualities of those in hiding.

Mankind feels the need to hide because sin IS hide-worthy. With God, that does not matter. If you are redeemed, accept the slate swept clean and stop hiding!

God saught us and made way for us to step out of hiding. When we choose to hide, we choose to be unseen. I promise you, nothing gets sold, serves others, provides the needed solution, the lifestyle enhancement - when it is hidden. What if you were on a long road in unknown territory and running out of gas just because you were unaware of the many stations that existed that you passed because they were hidden and unknown? That is what you do to the people who need what you offer!

STOP HIDING! Check out this video I made on this topic:


I needed TV for me. So I made TV available to you too.

Dreams do come true.

TV is an authority builder and a mass information distribution platform. I would love to help YOU get your 'thing' out to the world.


What we say about ourselves is one thing. What others say about Trudy and our services is way more important.
