Leaders and Influencers have insecurities and show up anyway. This is part one in a five-part series on some common insecurities that challenge leadership visibility that we must face and overcome to build our brands.
Authors are one of the main categories of PSI TV guests. A TV appearance helps with book sales, and here are other strategies for making more money from the book writing effort.
The marketplace is noisy, and your prospect is distracted and may not notice your existence or offer in the marketplace. A guest appearance on PSI TV amplifies your voice in the attention economy.
In today's digital age, speakers have more opportunities than ever to share their message with a wide audience. One powerful way to reach a larger demographic is by being a guest on television programs.
Getting your offer noticed is the first step toward success. The PSI TV Show on Roku could be your golden ticket to reaching a global audience and catapulting your brand to new heights.
How believable are you? Believability = Trust. Trust is important when it comes to getting a jury of your peers to believe your alibi, for prospects to become buyers, and other relationships.
Building fans is the ultimate influence goal. When people stumble onto content they like, they often follow the creator from platform to platform - research shows. You need to be found. You need to be digitally 'omnipresent - ish'
Making people smile creates a positive, emotional connection. In a world where attention is the coveted currency, comedy can also help with your brand connection.
Cable TV is dead. Big media still has it working via life support, but even they have moved to O.T.T. All the channels have moved, and PSI TV makes it easy for your brand content to sit beside the BIG DOGS of TV!
This is an excerpt from a paper I turned in for my doctoral class at Liberty University. Top brass and leaders of organizations realized that working in an online space with remote people presented new interaction dynamics (Lee et al., 2018), which influenced and changed relationships compared to the related experience in the real world.